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By Joeline du Preez November 17, 2020
With the help of generous sponsorships from Widney, Amcare has been able to help many in need, Many like Johannes. We know that there are still many individuals who need our help, but we hope to reach as many as we possibly can. We hope to bring relief to more like we have done here. This is what Johannes has to say: "Dear Amcare I am Johannes Khambule a client of Nontsikelelo who is a care giver of Amcare. I joined Amcare this year, I want to let you know about what I feel also to say thank you to amcare people about the food that they gave me. I am so gratfull about what you did to me, as I am not working for now but you Amcare made a difference to me, you bring joy to me and girl friend. I wish God can bless you as Amcare, can you please continue doing what you do to other people like me. I am so greatfull to join Amcare and with your support that you give me special with a care giveer that is looking after me. THANK YOU SO MUCH AMCARE. Yours faith fully MJ Khambule" With the help of our sponsors, social workers and caregivers we will continue reaching the most vulnerable in our communities.
Warning: Amcare Warns About SMS Scam
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
Amcare’s name is appearing in an SMS informing individuals that they have been employed by Amcare Alberton Children’s Home and need to pay towards a uniform.
Donating to Amcare Creates Jobs for Others
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
AMCARE’s charity shop not only provides people with second-hand items at a very low price, it also empowers people to buy and re-sell items as a means of taking care of their families.


Amcare Reaches out to the Elderly
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
Amcare provides relief to the elderly in the form of psycho-social support, health support and transport.
By Drickus Maartens September 26, 2019
AMCARE was founded by the Alberton Methodist Church in 2002. The non-profit organisation (NPO) was founded with to provide relief for those suffering from HIV/Aids in the New Redruth area. At the Alberton offices, the original clients were housed in the horse stable in the New Redruth area. Since those early days of Amcare, the organisation has expanded and grown, recognising the need of vulnerable groups not just in New Redruth but also the surrounding areas. Their vision is to be the leading faith-based centre serving communities. They aim to educate, inform and care for the people in the communities in which they serve so they can empower themselves.
By Drickus Maartens September 26, 2019
“I just want to thank all the staff and parents from Brackenhurst Primary who made this collection of 250 bras possible.” BAGS full of bras were collected for Amcare by a Grade Six learner from Brackenhurst Primary School, Monique Pestana, and her teacher, miss Melody Pheiffer. Monique (11) is often out and about in the community, doing charity deeds. These include helping out with the Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer initiative, baking and selling cupcakes in aid of the Alberton SPCA, donating Christmas gifts to various non-profit organisations and collecting clothes for people in need. Melody is also frequently involved with charity work, raising funds and helping out at numerous non-profit initiatives and organisations in any way she can.
By Drickus Maartens September 26, 2019
Freemasons of the Universal Friendship Lodge (#9042 EC) visited the service point of Amcare at Encochoyini Primary School in Phola Park, Alberton under the theme #freemasonrycares on World Aids Day on Saturday 1 December 2018. Freemasons of the Universal Friendship Lodge (#9042 EC) visited the service point of Amcare at Encochoyini Primary School in Phola Park, Alberton under the theme #freemasonrycares on World Aids Day on Saturday 1 December 2018. One-hundred- and-twenty (120) food parcels were distributed to households living with HIV/AIDS. Each food parcel had the caption “The only time you look down on another, is when you are helping them up” printed on them and included a T-shirt with the same positive message. A further 60 food parcels will be distributed by Amcare caregivers at other service points.
By Drickus Maartens March 12, 2019
AFTER being a part of AMCARE for six years, Marihet Infantino has been elected general manager. Marihet has a master’s degree in social work from the University of Johannesburg, as well as varied experience in the field. Most importantly, she has a dedicated spirit. Nadine Mason, the social work supervisor at AMCARE, describes her co-worker as outgoing, caring and very driven.


Amcare Volunteers show they care
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
Volunteers at AMCARE Centre of Faith, Hope and Love spent Saturday, March 26, at various traffic intersections in Alberton, raising funds for the AMCARE “Feed a Family” programme

Skills Development

By Chris Van Wyk February 23, 2024
Get a summarized view of all our activities in the previous financial year. The Annual Report gives a preview of our services to the most vulnerable in the community as well as our accountability to being good stewards of the funding we receive. Download Annual Report 2022/2023
Course was for 7 days
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
I receive victim empowerment services from amcare. I started classes of catering atAmcare on the 4th of October 2018.
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