HIV/AIDS Care & Relief

HIV/AIDS Care & Relief

Our HIV/AIDS Programme is geared towards adults and youth affected by HIV/AIDS. Services include awareness, education, support, food relief and care. Orphan and Vulnerable children Programme include children affected/ infected by HIV/AIDS. Services include protect of children’s rights, education, provide medical support and food relief.


Loaves of
bread distributed


Food parcels


Orphan and vulnerable
children registered for services


Adults infected with
HIV/Aids received services

Services Offered

Amcare’s area of service include the greater area of Alberton, including the surrounding areas Thokoza, Phola Park, Green fields and Eden Park.

Amcare’s services include:
  • Psycho-social support- including counselling, trauma debriefing and bereavement counselling etc.
  • Support and therapeutic groups for adults and OVC’s infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. 
  • Transporting clients to hospitals, Home Affairs, Clinics and SASSA (In case of Emergency)
  • Transporting and resettling client with their families before death when there is a need. 
  • Referrals for social relief grants and foster care
  • Provision of material assistance in a form of food parcels, bedding, clothing, uniform, furniture etc.
  • Awareness Campaigns
  • Community assessments
  • Assessment and referrals for transport to Care Centre
  • Home based Care and medical supplies
  • Vegetable gardens
  • Income generating project
  • Support clients in developing community based projects

Focus Areas

Home based community services

Community caregivers render services to clients in need services are rendered within  , services includes: referrals to the clinic for HIV tests, CD4 count, treatment support,educating the family in caring for the sick and enhancing clients skills of treatment adherence.

Caregivers ensure that HIV positive clients are taking their treatment and monitor adherence,they also accompany clients to clinics and hospitals in cases of emergencies and also educate them on health issues especially with regards to opportunistic infections.

Psychosocial support

Includes counselling, trauma debriefing, moral support, need assessment and provisions made according to the needs e.g. referrals for birth certificates or ID registrations, social grant applications, family re-unification, bereavement counselling etc Psycho social support- Amcare provides psycho social support to clients which includes necessary counselling for adults and children in the program. This would include trauma debriefing where they would be addressing their emotions. This is where they are also provided with bereavement counselling in cases where clients have lost their loved ones, acceptance of positive status and also family counselling so that everyone will be able to cope with the circumstances. Families are also reunited when there is a need.Clients are also referred to relevant service providers in terms of documents such as birth certificates, Identity documents and social grants.

Food relief

Clients who are unemployed, do not have any income, do not receive any form of a social grant can be assisted with food parcels for 3 months or until they have been linked to relevant service providers.
This is done through assessment of the client’s home circumstances where a home visit is also conducted and needs are identified.

Vulnerable Target Groups

  • Adults and youth infected / affected by HIV/AIDs,
  • Services include awareness, education, support, food relief and care
  • Skills development
  • Income generating projects through support groups
  • Vegetable gardening
  • Orphan and Vulnerable children Program include
  • Children affected/ infected by HIV/AIDs.


  • Do you get HIV from mosquito bites?

    You cannot get HIV/AIDS from mosquito bites. HIV does not survive long outside the human body as it cannot multiply. Only saliva is injected to human when a mosquito a bites. The infected blood that was ingested by the mosquito is never transmitted to other humans.

  • Can I stop taking ARV treatment once I feel better?

    ARV treatment is a lifelong commitment, ARV treatment is not a cure for HIV/AIDS .If one stops one may be resistant to ARV when one decides to take them again. The CD4 count would also drop and the viral load will increase.

  • Me and my partner are both HIV positive, why do we have to use protection during sexual intercourse?

    Partners should use protection in order to prevent reinfections, there is a greater risk of spreading other STI’S during sexual contact. This may increase viral load and lower CD4 count which might compromise the immune system.

  • Can I still give birth to a HIV negative baby if I am HIV positive?

    Yes one can give birth to a HIV negative baby. Nevirapin is recommended as a standard prevention of mother to child transmission. The baby is also given treatment to prevent contracting of the disease.

  • Can I still get HIV infection if I am circumcised as a man?

    Yes, Male Circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection but must be used with other preventative methods. It provides only partial protection against HIV infection.

  • Can you be infected from piercing and tattooing?

    Tattoos and piercing are considered safe if you get them from the shops that follow all the rules for cleaning their instruments. Needles should only be used once and all the reusable instruments need to be cleaned and disinfected between clients.

  • Is it safe to breastfeed when you are HIV positive?

    HIV can be transmitted from a mother to a baby through breastmilk. However, when pregnant women receive special treatment with HIV fighting drugs (ARV)the risk of transmitting HIV to a baby is extremely low and breastfeeding should be considered safe. In South Africa many breastfeeding mothers receive such treatment. Breast feeding without such treatment can transmit HIV, it should be considered unsafe .Still, breastmilk remains the best food for the baby and women should breastfeed. Health Care providers help these women to decide on the best feeding options for the babies and how to reduce the risk of transmission.

  • Can HIV positive people have a baby?

    If both people are positive men and women ARV’s covers all the situations. ARV’s let couples conceive naturally if one partner is HIV negative. It also protects the health of the mother and the baby during pregnancy if the mother is positive.

  • Can you get HIV through donating blood?

    All blood donors and blood suppliers in hospitals and clinics are carefully tested for HIV to make sure that infection is not passed on to those who receive blood. The equipment used for the procedures is also cleaned. This makes it safe to go the clinics and hospitals to give or receive blood.

  • What is the right time to start ARV Treatment

    People can start ARV’S as soon as possible after they are diagnosed.

For more information, give our helpline a call on: 065 811 7266 or email us:

Success Stories

Financial support from July 2017
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
I am writing this letter to you on behalf of the rest of my family to express our gratitude to you, for agreeing to be our financial supporters from July 2017
Phola park adult therapeutic group
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
The aim of the group was to provide the group members with the platform where they can be able to express their feelings.
Aannah Moloi
By Drickus Maartens September 27, 2019
Through the intervention of AMCARE the client has shown some signs of thriving.The caregiver has been giving her support in terms of monitoring treatment,AMCARE has been providing the family with food parcels when necessary.

Request for Assistance

Request for Assistance -HIV/AIDS

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